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Radon: Get The Facts

Radon Device
Radon is a naturally occurring gas produced by the underground decay of uranium. You can’t smell it, taste it or see it but it’s there. Radon is a form of cancer causing ionizing radiation. Outside exposure is not threatening as exposure is minimal. Inside our homes and buildings is a different story. Closed structures act like a vacuum, sucking Radon in and trapping the gas at concentrated levels.
Radon enters the home primary through the “Stack Effect” in which the closed structure acts as a vacuum leveraging cracks in the floors and walls, construction joints, gaps around pipes, wall cavities and/or through the water supply.
Important Facts:
  • It’s estimated that at least 1 in 7 properties in the Portland/Vancouver Area have radon levels above EPA recommended action levels of 4.0 pCi/L
  • As many as 50% of the homes in “hot spots” including Alameda Ridge in Portland and Mill Plain in Clark County, Washington have action level Radon exposure
  • Radon exposure is the leading cause of lung cancer in non-smokers
  • Radon exposure is responsible for more than 20,000 American deaths each year - more than drunk drivers and home fires combined
  • The Surgeon General and Environmental Protection Agency recommend that all properties be tested for radon
  • You should test your home every two years
  • Retest if you’ve recently renovated your home
  • When purchasing or selling a property you should conduct a Radon inspection
  • Testing prior to a real estate transaction speeds up the process
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